Where can I get a hearing aid? 我可以在哪裏找到助聽器?

Hearing aid(s) should be prescribed by an audiologist who is the health-care professional specialising in the diagnosis and (re)habilitation of hearing and vestibular disorders. Audiologists can be found working in public service centres (including Hospital Authority, Department of Health, Education Bureau and Voluntary Organisations) or private hearing aid centres.

For public service centres, please refer to:

For the list of audiologists working in private hearing aid centres, please refer to:


有關公營服務中心的資料,可瀏覽以下網址: https://www.audiology.org.hk/public_info/public-centers-providing-audiological-services/

有關任職於私營聽力中心的聽力學家名單,可瀏覽以下網址: https://www.audiology.org.hk/public_info/private-audiologists-list/

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