Hearing aids should be chosen according to the individual listening needs, subjective preferences, age, dexterity, cosmetic concern, severity and nature of the hearing loss.
Listening needs Premium and high-end hearing aid models are equipped with more sophisticated digital speech processing technologies. However, they are more costly than entry and mid-level models.
Subjective preferences, age and dexterity Some hearing aid users may prefer their hearing aids to be as invisible as possible. There are now a wide range of BTEs to suit different degree of hearing loss. Custom-made (ITE/ITC/CIC/IIC) hearing aids may not be suitable for young infants, and people with problems like dexterity, earwax or ear drainage.
Cosmetic concern A custom-made hearing aid is smaller in size and plugged into the ear canal. On the other hand, a BTE / Open-fit hearing aid is now more fashionable as it looks just like an ear-worn bluetooth device.
Severity and nature of hearing loss Although modern custom-made hearing aids are getting more powerful by utilizing more powerful receivers (up to 70dB), high-powered BTEs can still provide more gain (up to 80dB).
聆聽需要 高階的助聽器型號備有更先進的數碼聲音處理科技,但是價格上會較高。
個人喜好、年齡、手指靈敏度 部分助聽器使用者希望助聽器越不容易讓人察覺越好。耳後式助聽器已經有不同的大小選擇,適合不同的聽力受損程度。度身訂制 (ITE/ITC/CIC/IIC) 的助聽器並不適合幼童,以及手指欠靈敏、耳垢或耳朵發炎的人士。
外觀考慮 為度身訂制的助聽器體積比較細小,佩戴時須放入耳道內,但現時的耳後式 / 開放式助聽器外觀已經比較時尚,看上去只像一部藍牙裝置。
聽力受損的程度和性質 現時為耳朵訂制的助聽器已可提供大功率的接收器(最高可達 70分貝),但最大功率的耳後式助聽器可提供更強的增益 (最高可達80分貝)。